Prof. Dr. Clara Viñas Teixidor graduated in Chemistry at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and later in Pharmacy at the Universitat de Barcelona. She worked as a pre-doctoral student at the Prof. Rudolph’s laboratory at The University of Michigan for a year. She is a Research Professor at the Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona that belongs to the Spanish Council for Scientific Research since 2006. Previously, she worked in an industry dedicated to recovery of industrial residual waters, and at public institution involved in food science analysis as well as environmental control.
Her fields of research involve synthesis and derivatisation of boron clusters to be applied in medicine and biosensors, among others.
PAQ-Collabora Project
Development of New kit for Latent Fingerprint detection and Authentication "KIDAEM"
PAQ-Collabora Project
Development of New kit for Latent Fingerprint detection and Authentication "KIDAEM"
PAQ-Collabora Project
Development of New kit for Latent Fingerprint detection and Authentication "KIDAEM"
GEOGLOB-Lab Faculty of Sciences of Sfax
LATIS-Lab National School of Engineers of Sousse
CEM-Lab National School of Engineers of Sfax
SOGIMEL Private Company
GEOGLOB-Lab Faculty of Sciences of Sfax
LATIS-Lab National School of Engineers of Sousse
CEM-Lab National School of Engineers of Sfax
SOGIMEL Private Company
04/04/2019 Call for POSTDOC recrutment
30/03/2019 Signature of the financial support memorandum by the minister of HER
22/03/2019 Coaching session @ Ministry
01/03/2019 First meeting of project members

Plenary Speaker
Professor Wolfgang Fritzsche
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Fritzsche’s work is focused on the utilization of plasmonic effects for bioanalytical applications. Based on a long experience in the development of nanoparticle-based approaches for molecular detection with special focus on DNA, methods are developed that allow for a sensitive, label-free and multiplexed detection. This work is complemented with interest into novel effects in the interaction of molecular components with plasmonic nanostructures, and their use for biosensing. Besides authoring more then 150 peer reviewed publications and several invited book chapters, editing 10 books and co-authoring 2 monographs (h-factor 31), Dr. Fritzsche has been/is steering and coordinating many national and international projects, was 2016-2018 president of the German Society of Cytometry, and is organizing a series of bi-annual international meetings in Molecular Plasmonics as well as DNA Nanotechnology.
Bioanalytics using plasmonic nanostructures
Wolfgang Fritzsche
Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology (IPHT), A.-Einstein-Str. 9, Jena, Germany
Abstract: Novel requirements for bioanalytical methods emerge due to trends such as personalized medicine or pathogen monitoring in environment and food. Here, innovative tools for diagnostics are needed, to be used outside of dedicated laboratories and with less qualified personnel, at minimal costs. Plasmonic nanostructures promise to provide sensing capabilities with the potential for ultrasensitive and robust assays in a high parallelization, and without the need for markers. Upon binding of molecules, the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) of these structure is changed, and can be used as sensoric readout [1]. This is possible even on a single nanostructure level, using optical darkfield detection introduced more than 100 years ago [2], as demonstrated for DNA detection [3]. In contrast to SPR, LSPR senses only in a very thin layer (on the scale of the particle diameter), resulting in an efficient background suppression [4].
In order to multiplex this approach, an imaging spectrometer based on a Michelson interferometer has been developed, able to readout a whole array of sensors in one step [5]. On the sensor side, microarrays of gold nanoparticle spots were fabrictaed using spotting of pre-synthesized gold nanoparticles [6]. Such chemically synthesized particles allow for a cost-efficient generation of highly crystalline particles as nanosensors; by using microfluidic approaches, a high quality and reproducibility can be achieved [7]. The functionalization of the various particle spots is realized by spotting thiolized DNA onto each spot separately. Using this approach, a multiplex DNA-based detection of fungal pathogens involved in sepsis could be demonstrated [8].
[1] A. Csaki, T. Schneider, J. Wirth, N. Jahr, A. Steinbrück, O. Stranik, F. Garwe, R. Müller and W. Fritzsche, Philosophical Transactions A 369, 3483-3496 (2011).
[2] T. Mappes, N. Jahr, A. Csaki, N. Vogler, J. Popp, W. Fritzsche. Angew Chem Int Ed 51, 11208-11212 (2012)
[3] T. Schneider, N. Jahr, A. Csaki, O. Stranik and W. Fritzsche, J Nanopart Res 15, 1531 (2013)
[4] J. Jatschka, A. Dathe, A. Csaki, W. Fritzsche, O. Stranik. Sensing and BioSensing Research 7, 62-70 (2016)
[5] D. Zopf, J. Jatschka, A. Dathe, N. Jahr, W. Fritzsche, O. Stranik. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 81, 287-293 (2016)
[6] A. Pittner, S. Wendt, D. Zopf, A. Dathe, N. Grosse, A. Csaki, W. Fritzsche, O. Stranik. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2019) 411, 1537-1547 (2019)
[7] Thiele M, Soh J Z E, Knauer A, Malsch D, Stranik O, Müller R, Csáki A, Henkel T, Köhler J M and Fritzsche W Chemical Engineering Journal 288 432–40 (2016)
[8] A. Zopf, A. Pittner, A. Dathe, N. Grosse, A. Csaki, K. Arstila, J. Toppari, W. Schott, D. Dontsov, G. Uhlrich, W. Fritzsche, O. Stranik. ACS Sensors 4, 335-343 (2019)