Prof. Dr. Clara Viñas Teixidor graduated in Chemistry at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and later in Pharmacy at the Universitat de Barcelona. She worked as a pre-doctoral student at the Prof. Rudolph’s laboratory at The University of Michigan for a year. She is a Research Professor at the Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona that belongs to the Spanish Council for Scientific Research since 2006. Previously, she worked in an industry dedicated to recovery of industrial residual waters, and at public institution involved in food science analysis as well as environmental control.
Her fields of research involve synthesis and derivatisation of boron clusters to be applied in medicine and biosensors, among others.
PAQ-Collabora Project
Development of New kit for Latent Fingerprint detection and Authentication "KIDAEM"
PAQ-Collabora Project
Development of New kit for Latent Fingerprint detection and Authentication "KIDAEM"
PAQ-Collabora Project
Development of New kit for Latent Fingerprint detection and Authentication "KIDAEM"
GEOGLOB-Lab Faculty of Sciences of Sfax
LATIS-Lab National School of Engineers of Sousse
CEM-Lab National School of Engineers of Sfax
SOGIMEL Private Company
GEOGLOB-Lab Faculty of Sciences of Sfax
LATIS-Lab National School of Engineers of Sousse
CEM-Lab National School of Engineers of Sfax
SOGIMEL Private Company
04/04/2019 Call for POSTDOC recrutment
30/03/2019 Signature of the financial support memorandum by the minister of HER
22/03/2019 Coaching session @ Ministry
01/03/2019 First meeting of project members
Our publications in 2015
1) M. Saif, Magdy Shebl, A.I. Nabeel, R. Shokry, H. Hafez, A. Mbarek, K. Damak, R. Maalej, M.S.A. AbdelMottaleb
Novel Non-toxic and Red Luminescent sensor based on Eu3+:Y2Ti2O7/SiO2 Nano-powder for Latent Fingerprint detection.
Sensors and Actuators B Chemical 12/2015; 220:162-170.
DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2015.05.040
2) Ridha ELLEUCH, Rached Salhi, Jean-Luc Deschanvres, Ramzi Maalej
Highly efficient NIR to visible upconversion in ZnO:Er,Yb thin film deposited by AACVD atmospheric pressure process.
RSC Advances 07/2015; 5(74):60246–60253.
DOI: 10.1039/C5RA10442D
3) Nabil M Maalej, Ahsanulhaq Qurashi, Achraf Amir Assadi, Ramzi Maalej, Mohammed Nasiruzzaman Shaikh, Muhammad Ilyas, M.A. Gondal
Synthesis of Gd2O3:Eu nanoplatelets for MRI and fluorescence imaging.
Nanoscale Research Letters 05/2015; 10:215.
4) R Lachheb, K Damak, A A Assadi, A Herr-Mann, E Yousef, C Rüssel, R Maâlej
Characterization of Tm3+ doped TNZL glass laser material.
Journal of Luminescence 05/2015; 161:281.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jlumin.2014.12.069
5)M. Saif, Magdy Shebl, A. Mbarek, A.I. Nabeel, R. Maalej, R. Shokry
Synthesis of non-toxic phosphor material based on pyrochlore-type dititanate (Eu3+/Y2Ti2O7).
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A Chemistry 03/2015; volume 301:1.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jphotochem.2014.12.014
6) Rached Salhi, Carmen Jimenez, Jean Luc Deschanvres, Ramzi Maâlej, Mohieddine Fourati
Growth and Properties of Amorphous Erbium-doped Aluminum-yttrium Oxide Films Deposited by Aerosol-UV-Assisted MOCVD.
Chemical Vapor Deposition 03/2015; 21(1-3):26.
DOI: 10.1002/cvde.201407068
7) R. Elleuch, R. Salhi, J.-L. Deschanvres, R. Maalej
Antireflective downconversion ZnO:Er3+,Yb3+ thin film for Si solar cell applications.
Journal of Applied Physics 02/2015; 055301(5):055301.
DOI: 10.1063/1.4906976
8) Achraf Amir Assadi, Kamel Damak, Raouia Lachheb, Andreas Herrmann, El Sayed Yousef, Christian Rüssel, Ramzi Maalej:
Spectroscopic and luminescence characteristics of erbium doped TNZL glass for lasing materials.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 01/2015; 620:129.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2014.09.120
9) Rania Hakim, Kamel Damak, Mauro Gemmi, Stefano Luin, Ramzi Maalej, Alessandra Toncelli
Pr3+:BaY2F8 Crystal Nanoparticles (24 nm) Produced by High-Energy Ball Milling: Spectroscopic Characterization and Comparison with Bulk Properties.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 01/2015; 119(5):2844–2851.
DOI: 10.1021/jp51085