Prof. Dr. Clara Viñas Teixidor graduated in Chemistry at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and later in Pharmacy at the Universitat de Barcelona. She worked as a pre-doctoral student at the Prof. Rudolph’s laboratory at The University of Michigan for a year. She is a Research Professor at the Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona that belongs to the Spanish Council for Scientific Research since 2006. Previously, she worked in an industry dedicated to recovery of industrial residual waters, and at public institution involved in food science analysis as well as environmental control.
Her fields of research involve synthesis and derivatisation of boron clusters to be applied in medicine and biosensors, among others.
PAQ-Collabora Project
Development of New kit for Latent Fingerprint detection and Authentication "KIDAEM"
PAQ-Collabora Project
Development of New kit for Latent Fingerprint detection and Authentication "KIDAEM"
PAQ-Collabora Project
Development of New kit for Latent Fingerprint detection and Authentication "KIDAEM"
GEOGLOB-Lab Faculty of Sciences of Sfax
LATIS-Lab National School of Engineers of Sousse
CEM-Lab National School of Engineers of Sfax
SOGIMEL Private Company
GEOGLOB-Lab Faculty of Sciences of Sfax
LATIS-Lab National School of Engineers of Sousse
CEM-Lab National School of Engineers of Sfax
SOGIMEL Private Company
04/04/2019 Call for POSTDOC recrutment
30/03/2019 Signature of the financial support memorandum by the minister of HER
22/03/2019 Coaching session @ Ministry
01/03/2019 First meeting of project members
Symposium on Environmental Instrumentation and Measurements IMEKO TC19
30-31 October 2019, Sfax, Tunisia

General co-chairs
Mounir Ben Ali (TN), Mohamed Ksibi (TN)
International Program Committee
A. Lay-Ekuakille (IT), M. Abid (TN), Kasim Al-Aubidy (JOR), Audih Alfaoury (JOR), Vikrant Bhateja (IND), Leo Van Biesen (BEL), Yvan Baudoin (BEL), Paul L. Bishop (USA), Bertrand Calpini (CH), Claudio De Capua (IT), Madhukar Chandra (D), Roland Collay (FRA), Daniele Contini (IT), Angel Cuadras (E), Faouzi Derbel (D), Nabil Derbel (TN), Ivana Duricko-vic (FRA), Artur Dybko (POL), Gerhard Fischerauer (D), Marc Fontana (FRA), Cristian Fosalau (ROM), Manel Gasulla (E), Gerald Gerlach (D), Pedro Silva Girao (P), Jörg Himmel (D), Athar Hussain (IND), Satoshi Ikezawa (JAP), Predrag B. Jovanic (SER), Thomas Keutel (D), Anne Lanzolla (IT), Theodore Laopoulos (Greece), Martin Lloyd (UK), Alessandro Massaro (IT), Rosario Morello (IT), A. M. Obeid (SA), Armin Pavic (CRO), Octavian Postolache (POR), Peter Princz (HUN), José Ragot (FR), Janai-na M. Rodrigues (BR), Tilman Sauerwald (D), Paulo R. Martins Silva (BR), Tong Sun (UK), Shabana Urooj (IND), Rudi Voncina (SLO), Jari Walden (FIN), Sunao Yamashita (JAP), Bernhard Zagar (AU)
Conference Organization Team
Malak Talbi (TN), Amina Brahem (TN), Rym Cheour (TN)
Call for Papers
The 8th Symposium on Environmental Instrumentation and Measurements will take place under the slogan "Nano systems & analytical nuclear measurements for pollu-tion detection, energy sourcing, bio-sports functionalities, environment/human health and sustainable agro-biotechnology" at University of Medicine in Sfax, Tunisia. Re-searchers from all over the world will get together to discuss about innovations and improvements on environmental data acquisition, monitoring and analysis. The latest evolutions in the pollution of air and water or the global warming challenge scientists to work on new methods to be able to detect and react to the current conditions. Au-thors are invited to submit a full manuscript (4-6 pages including references) for oral or poster presentation. Expanded and improved papers of the version published in the symposium proceedings are eligible for post-publication in international reputed jour-nals (ACTA IMEKO; Measurement - Elsevier, International Journal of Measurement Technologies and Instrumentation Engineering; IET Science Measurement Technolo-gy) and book series.
ï‚· Analytical measurements of the three main environmental media: water and/or liquids, air and/or gases, soil and/or solids
ï‚· Analytical measurements of other environmental matrices dealing with issues such as human, plant, animal and synthetic products
ï‚· Instrumental methods for the measurement of environmental noise and vibration pollution
ï‚· Development and improvement of analytical methods for measuring environmental pollutants
ï‚· Development of new analytical methods, sensors and instruments for monitoring of air, water and soil quality in residential, industrial, as well as, agricultural areas
ï‚· Development and improvement of remote sensing methods for measuring environ-mental pollution
ï‚· Development of new platforms (airborne-based and ground-based systems) and image processing techniques for detection of potential sources of contamination and monitoring of air, water and earth quality
ï‚· Development of Geographic Information Systems to perform spatial analysis of remote sensing-based and ground-based environmental assessment
ï‚· Evaluation and assessment of environmental data
ï‚· Quality assurance and quality control of environmental measurements
ï‚· Cloud computing and signal processing
ï‚· Sensors, networks of sensors and devices
ï‚· High performance computing for extreme events and climate changes
ï‚· Environmental bio-monitoring
ï‚· Metrology and characterization
ï‚· Automatic measurement systems
ï‚· Expert and decision making systems
ï‚· Environmental meteorology
Contact: imeko@tu-chemnitz.de