Prof. Dr. Clara Viñas Teixidor graduated in Chemistry at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and later in Pharmacy at the Universitat de Barcelona. She worked as a pre-doctoral student at the Prof. Rudolph’s laboratory at The University of Michigan for a year. She is a Research Professor at the Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona that belongs to the Spanish Council for Scientific Research since 2006. Previously, she worked in an industry dedicated to recovery of industrial residual waters, and at public institution involved in food science analysis as well as environmental control.
Her fields of research involve synthesis and derivatisation of boron clusters to be applied in medicine and biosensors, among others.
PAQ-Collabora Project
Development of New kit for Latent Fingerprint detection and Authentication "KIDAEM"
PAQ-Collabora Project
Development of New kit for Latent Fingerprint detection and Authentication "KIDAEM"
PAQ-Collabora Project
Development of New kit for Latent Fingerprint detection and Authentication "KIDAEM"
GEOGLOB-Lab Faculty of Sciences of Sfax
LATIS-Lab National School of Engineers of Sousse
CEM-Lab National School of Engineers of Sfax
SOGIMEL Private Company
GEOGLOB-Lab Faculty of Sciences of Sfax
LATIS-Lab National School of Engineers of Sousse
CEM-Lab National School of Engineers of Sfax
SOGIMEL Private Company
04/04/2019 Call for POSTDOC recrutment
30/03/2019 Signature of the financial support memorandum by the minister of HER
22/03/2019 Coaching session @ Ministry
01/03/2019 First meeting of project members
Mrs.Rim Turki (Doctor)
Graduated in June 2021
Email: rim.turki@yahoo.fr

My thesis was carried out from 2016 to 2020, and it is based on two paperwork:
The first part of thesis was published on the Journal of Alloys and Compounds (impact :4.65)
It provides a study on 10 20 ions/cm 3 Sm 3+ doped MAS3510 glasses, with M: BaO, SrO, CaO, MgO (35 mol%); A: Al2O 3 (10 mol%); S: SiO2 (55 mol%), prepared by the melt quench technique.
Enhancing mechanical properties of rare-earth-doped aluminosilicate glasses (AS) by modifying the chemical composition with different alkaline earth oxides opens new opportunities for their application as optical devices.
Based on the measured UV-visible and NIR absorption spectra, the Judd-Ofelt parameters Ωλ , (λ=2, 4, 6) were evaluated to predict the radiative properties of Sm3+ ions such as radiative transition probabilities (Arad), radiative lifetimes (τrad) and branching ratios (BR).
By using the Füchtbauer–Ladenburg (FL) formula, the gain cross-sections were calculated from the stimulated emission cross-sections. Raman spectra of the AS glasses show a broader variation of Q n species and increasing depolymerization for glasses with network modifier ions of larger ionic radii.
The second part was Published on the Journal of Applied Surface Science (impact 6.18):
The choice of substrate is crucial for device applications, in particular for atomically thin materials such as monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides. The interaction between the active material and the substrate could be exploited to improve the device performance. In this work, we used a Sm-doped aluminosilicate glass (Sm-ASG) as a substrate for monolayer MoS2 based photodetector. Due to the strong high-energy emission lines of Sm, Sm-ASG substrate absorbs the incident light and acts as second excitation source compensating the low absorption
of the MoS2 monolayer. On Sm-ASG substrate, the MoS2 photoresponsivity was increased up to 13,157 AW−1 as compared to 5,740 AW−1 on undoped ASG substrate under illumination of a monochromatic laser with 520 nm wavelength at a power of 0.2 μW. The significantly enhanced photoresponse, which is amongst the highest reported values for unbiased photoconductors, is attributed to the dual function of Sm-ASG substrate in charge transfer and enhanced photoexcitation via a photon recycling effect. Our new approach based on the simple use of substrate paves the way for achieving high performance optoelectronic devices.
1) RimTurki Ganesh Ghimirec Kamel Damak HyunYong Song Stephen Boandoh JongIlKim Christian Rüssel Roy Aad Jeong yong Kim Ramzi Maalej
Luminescent Sm-doped aluminosilicate glass as a substrate for enhanced photoresponsivity of MoS2 based photodetector
Available online 11 June 2021, 150342
DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2021.150342
2) M.Zekri, A.Herrmann, R.Turki, C.Rüssel, R.Maâlej, K.Damak
Experimental and theoretical studies of Dy3+ doped alkaline earth aluminosilicate glasses
Journal of Luminescence, 212, 354-360,
DOI: 10.1016/j.jlumin.2019.04.041
3) Rim Turki, Mohamed Zekri, Andreas Herrmann, Christian Rüssel, Ramzi Maalej, Kamel Damak
Optical properties of peralkaline aluminosilicate glasses doped with Sm3+.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 07/2019;
DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2019.07.255
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